Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Sorrow is fictional

Wound is scarring.
Petals covered the cemetery of my heart.
Our story will ultimately be cremated.

We no longer linger.
It is worthless to waste the rest of our limited lives on this sad romance.
Although it is distressing to have each other only return the care with a friend's identity.

There ain't any perfect love;
As we are human beings, with flesh and blood;
We're not from fairy tales nor soup opera.
No matter how hard we show our love,
It isn't necessarily that we get another person in full possession
If you want to learn how maintain a good relationship;
You must first understand what is it like to lose a relationship.

We have walked through sweet times;
Thus, there shouldn't be any tears now.
As the best picture has been captured in our hearts.

Sorrow couldn't be identify by test tube;
Sorrow isn't a real thing - not a chemical analogy real substance derived from a test tube.
So why not take sorrow as fictional?

Put down the burden of memories,
Cherish the present one.