Saturday, March 5, 2011

Appearance Counts

Do you ever have this feeling that people always look sarcastically at your appearance?
Whenever you have the "look", you can always enjoy people to serve you well.
Somehow if you look kind of the second earthly brand, hey self-service please.

In reality, people are judgmental in everything. Firstly, your appearance.
Appearance might not be everything. But something? Yes.
If you're born attractive, you are so gonna get benefits from it.
Even if you're not the natural beauty kind, so what?
Cover yourselves with 3 inches of makeup will do.
Attractive people tend to have attractive friends, as what I've seen. Vice versa.

Appearance is immediately more important than personality.
However its benefits wear off rather quick, then only personality comes forefront.
Appearance is not everything, but sadly it is what people judged on at first.

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