Thursday, May 19, 2011

Distance - Test of Love

I'd say, physical distance is a test of true love.
Couples can be perfect when they're together.
Couples spend most of their time together;
Knowing each other's life and routine;
But when they have to be separated physically,
How long can they withstand?

Couples should be grateful that they can stay long distance for some while;
Because this shows the purity in their true worth of relationship;
Despite others that might only live in lies, nothing else but sex.
Sometimes absence in physical abstract makes the hearts fonder.
It is just how attached and bonded both of you could be.

If both of you are willing to spend time to communicate;
Distance won't be hindering the ignition of love.
Honesty, trust and time never fail.
Sometimes distance increases the perception of beauty in love.
Because you're always on my mind.

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