Friday, December 10, 2010

R.I.P young man

I believe everyone has been acknowledged about the top news recently : "A 22 years old good looking guy who committed suicide because his girl dumped him".

People tend to blame it on the girl but then in this era, everyone is just dumping each other. It's just that the girl is the unlucky one which she met a guy that really died for her. So stop blaming whoever. It might be disrespectful to claim that the guy is brainless. Some might think that he is brave enough to make the commitment "till death do us apart" but look, it's just a 4-months relationship. Do you think it is worth that your parents raised you up for 22 years while you just end your life in such naive way? Please consider for your family and friends before you do anything that would hurt them. Ending up your life gives them endless sorrows.

In a nutshell, stupidity and irrationality killed him.
I feel sad for his family. As a mother, I would think what if my daughter does the same shit? I couldn't imagine losing my child. Especially if my child is the one that chose to end her own life. Dying for someone is definitely not worthy and extremely stupid. People that really love you would hope that you live your life with fullness, not hurting yourselves. Hurting yourselves might at the same time hurt the people that love you. Suiciding is just selfish.

To most of the people, the biggest fear on earth is death. Life is precious. People get old, sick and die. We must do all the good things and do not waste any moment of our life. Who knows what would happen next? The fear of failing in relationships and the fear of losing someone you love are just a minor fear of your life. We should never stop living until God calls for you.

However, I still express my condolences for Alviss Kong and his family. Rest in Peace.

Treasure your LIFE.

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